Endorsed by Governor Lombardo

Nevada Will Only Grow Stronger With the Proven Leadership & Experience of
Businesswoman & Job Creator

Lisa Cole

Make a Plan to Vote
Tuesday, November 5th

Strengthen Nevada’s Schools

End Carson City’s Culture of Corruption

Crack Down
on Crime

Strengthen Nevada’s Schools

  • Expand school choice to ensure every Nevada family can send their child to the school that best meets their needs
  • Increase accountability within school districts
  • Fight for the Read by Grade 3 program to ensure children receive a strong academic foundation from which to learn and succeed

End Carson City’s Culture of Corruption

  • Enact open meeting and open records laws
  • Ensure the state legislature is transparent
  • Fight for ethics laws

Crack Down on Crime

  • Support law enforcement and first responders
  • Ensure police can arrest criminals for crimes like “smash-and-grabs”
  • Fight the fentanyl crisis with commonsense solutions like making it a Class B felony for possession of any amount of the drug
Make a Plan to Vote
Tuesday, November 5th
Paid for and authorized by Better Nevada PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.